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Cross and Clouds

Grace - a free gift from God

The main difference between the Christian faith and other religions around the world is the concept of "grace". In the Christian faith, God's love and forgiveness comes to us free of charge. It is unconditional. We don't have to earn it by being a "good person" or doing "good works". God forgives us and loves us because of who He is, not because of who we are.

This gift of "grace" is hard to understand in a world where we believe that a price must be paid for all our wrongs. We cannot understand how God could love us when we have done things that we think no-one can forgive. But the beautiful and amazing thing is that the price has already been paid. God himself paid the price by giving up his own Son, Jesus, to die for us so that all our wrongs can be forgiven. All we have to do is ask for his forgiveness.

In his book titled "What's so amazing about grace?", Philip Yancey highlights that "grace is free only because the giver himself (Jesus) has borne the cost (p. 69). Grace means there is nothing I can do to make God love me more, and nothing I can do to make God love me less (p. 71). Jesus has already earned for us the costly victory of God's acceptance. We do not have to achieve but merely follow (p. 72)" Philip Yancey also reminds us that "the entire Bible shines a spotlight on deeply flawed individuals who have been transformed by the radical power of grace. Moses, a great leader to be sure, but one who had an anger problem and committed murder. David, who committed adultery and multiple murders. Peter, who betrayed Jesus..., not once but three times. Paul, a human rights abuser who tortured Christians. These are the giants of faith [all loved and forgiven by God], proving that no-one can conclude 'I'm beyond the reach of God's grace. God could never love someone like me'". 


Passing on the gift of grace to others

Once we have asked God for his forgiveness and received his gift of grace, He calls on us to pass that gift of grace on to others. But, how can we do that? Grace is unfair, because it is about offering forgiveness to those we think don't deserve it. But, as C.S. Lewis implied "grace is about forgiving the inexcusable in others because God has forgiven the inexcusable in us." 


Offering grace is not easy, but could there be an opportunity for us, in even some small way, to offer the gift of grace to others? Maybe our appreciation cards can help with that. I know that I myself find it very easy to give someone who serves me a "thank you" when I think their service has been really good, but how often do I give a "thank -you" to someone I don't think deserves it. Maybe that is one way all of us can brighten up someone's day and extend to them a small measure of grace.  

"Only a small crack...but cracks make caves collapse" Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Lord, please help me to always remember, grace comes free of charge to people who don't deserve it, including me.  

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